Left Brain Meets Right Brain in the Art of Hand Crafted Soap About a year and a half ago I got an idea that I needed to make my own bar soap. I was convinced it would save us money, because, we spent at least ten dollars a month on soap. My husband, being used to ideas said, absolutely not. I am not sure how but somehow I talked him into at least trying it. Before he could change his mind I got a recipe for olive oil soap off the internet, borrowed some safety goggles from my father-in-law and headed to the hardware store for a jar of lye. (For aspiring soap makers, it is in the drain cleaning section, make sure it is 100% sodium hydroxide). I already had gloves and a digital scale. That night before I went to bed I had a batch of castile soap in my loaf pan saponifying. I waited about a week to get it out, but when it came out it was a perfect white loaf of creamy soap, I was hooked. Then the real waiting began, si...
A blogger page about hand crafted soap